영남대학교 화학공학부 생체재료실험실 Ankur Sood 박사는 지난 10월 5일 ~ 8일 개최된 TERMIS 국제 학회에서 [Alginate and gelatin-based scaffolds for manufacturing in-vitro reconstructed meat] 제목의 논문으로 포스터 발표를 수행하여 우수 포스터로 선정되어 상장을 수여받았다.
Dr. Ankur Sood of Yeungnam University's Department of Chemical Engineering Biomaterials Lab presented a poster with a poster titled [Alginate and gelatin-based scaffolds for manufacturing in-vitro reconstructed meat] at the TERMIS International Conference held from October 5th to 8th. It was selected as a poster and awarded a certificate.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉!!!